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Coombe Wood School


“Displaying and developing the human values of teamwork, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sportsmanship in our daily lives, as we journey together towards discovering and reaching our true personal bests.” At Coombe Wood School we aim to provide the best education possible for the students in our care: an education that prepares them for success in life and brings out their personal best. It is our intention to create a wealth of opportunities for the students and to assist them in becoming compassionate and ambitious young people with a balanced view of life.

Our broad and balanced curriculum is designed to provide students with varied core knowledge that acts as a solid pathway through their educational journey and prepares them for later in life. We aim to maximise cognitive development, develop the whole person and celebrate the talents of each individual in order to provide the grounding for children to eventually become economically self-sufficient citizens. Health Related Fitness is at the heart of our school, and we educate children to be healthy in both body and mind. We plan to utilise the best that has been thought, said and done in each subject, and with this knowledge, provide our students with the ability to understand, appreciate and participate in the full richness of society and human experience.

We embed our curriculum intent by reinforcing the school core values in all aspects of Coombe Wood School life:

Teamwork - Teamwork is essential to our learning. We take into account all factors influencing and impacting on our community to help diversify our curriculum.

Respect - Mutual respect forms the basis of our school. We hold in high esteem our school community and our common values and traditions.

Enjoyment - We use our school to adopt a healthy lifestyle and build life skills. We safeguard our children and help them have fun during this crucial stage of their lives.

Discipline - Strong discipline underpins our school and enables learning. We ensure that our school is honest and fair. Students will benefit in life from developing a strong self-discipline.

Sportsmanship - We play to win but not at all costs and recognise both endeavour and achievement. We ensure that the wellbeing and development of the individual is central to our school values.