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Coombe Wood School



What is School Counselling?

School counselling provides a confidential space for students to talk about their concerns, offload stress, and seek support. Our counsellors are trained to help students navigate emotional, social, and academic challenges.

Who can access counselling?

Any student can access counselling. Please see the following options: 

Speak to Your Head of Year: Let them know you’re interested in counselling, and they will make a confidential referral to the counselling service.

Visit the Counsellor’s Office: You can also come directly to the counsellor’s office, located  in the sixth form area. Introduce yourself and, if comfortable, provide a brief overview of your issue.

What Happens Next? After your initial contact, you will likely be offered an appointment with a counsellor. You will be placed on the counselling schedule for a series of sessions over six weeks.

Confidentiality and Ethical Guidelines: Everything discussed during your counselling sessions is private and confidential. However, in line with the BACP ethical guidelines, if you disclose that you or someone else is being hurt emotionally or physically, the counsellor has a duty of care to take appropriate action to ensure safety.

Voluntary Participation: Counselling is entirely voluntary. It is your choice to participate, and whatever you decide is perfectly okay.

School counselling at Coombe Wood School is here to support you, providing a safe space to talk and ensuring you have the help you need to thrive both emotionally and academically.