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Coombe Wood School

Home School Agreement

As part of the admissions process, the home school agreement would have been acknowledged, accepted and signed by all parties. A copy of this can be downloaded here.


The core values of Coombe Wood School are traditionally associated with the sporting arena. However, it is our belief that they are equally key to success in all other areas of our lives. 

As a community, we will strive every day to display these core values in our work and interactions. All the staff at Coombe Wood School will make it their business as role models to our students to display these values at all times. 

Our students will appreciate the guidance and opportunities that the staff give them and they will appreciate the support from their families in every area of their day-to-day lives as they strive towards high levels of Health Related Fitness, nutrition and extra-curricular involvement. As a result, our students will be well equipped to excel within the classroom and the whole Coombe Wood School community will be very proud of what they achieve. 

The active and effective engagement of all three stakeholders STUDENT – PARENTS/CARERS – STAFF is a powerful combination for improving learning in schools. There can be no doubt that parents/carers have a huge influence on the achievement of young people by playing an active role in their learning at home and through supporting the school to achieve its vision. Coombe Wood School will support every student, every parent/carer and every member of staff to reach this end. If a successful partnership, based upon mutual trust, respect and a commitment to improve learning, can be established, then all barriers preventing progress can be removed. 

The Home-School Agreement has been designed to ensure the core values of Coombe Wood School, it's very DNA, is understood and embodied. It means that all three stakeholders are in agreement to work together in a spirit of trust and co-operation to enhance the experience of being a member of the school community. 

As Headteacher of Coombe Wood School, I will endeavour to ensure that all staff: 

Exhibit our core values of ;


Enhance learning and achievement for all by: 

  • using creative teaching strategies that ensure student engagement

  • ensuring students know how to make progress and making parents/carers aware of this at timely intervals; 

  • ensuring students are appropriately challenged and supported

  • building and developing excellent professional working relationships

  • going beyond ‘surface learning’ to deepen thinking

Create a happy and safe school by: 

  • praising students for enacting and embodying our core values; 

  • considering and ensuring student safety and wellbeing at all times; 

  • listening to the views of others and implementing change when appropriate; 

  • using appropriate sanctions from the School’s Behaviour Policy when students compromise our core values; 

  • using timely communication with parents/carers; 

Promote the social, moral, spiritual, cultural, physical and mental development of all students by: 

  • delivering an ambitious, broad and balanced curriculum; 

  • contributing to a world class House System; 

  • helping provide high quality extra-curricular opportunities; 

  • providing opportunities to learn how to stay mentally healthy; 

  • providing outstanding sports provision supported by students’ Health Related Fitness programmes. 

  • provide a safe and secure learning environment 

  • teach and encourage pupils to do their best and achieve their full potential as a valued member of the school community 

  • promote positive values and a caring attitude towards the school community to provide a balanced curriculum of the highest quality and meet the individual needs of every pupil. 

  • offer opportunities for parents to become involved in the daily life of the school.

  • contact parents as soon as concerns are raised about a pupil’s work, behaviour, attendance or punctuality. 

  • have a clear and consistent approach to rewards and sanctions for pupils, as set out in the school’s Behaviour Policy. 

  • communicate between home and school through notices, newsletters, the school website, emails and general meetings. 

  • provide a broad and balanced curriculum which challenges pupils to reach their potential and fulfils the requirements of the national curriculum. 

  • negotiate fair codes of conduct and school rules with pupils that develop respect for others' values and celebrate individual achievements. 

  • keep parents informed about their child’s progress and behaviour, as well as their termly curriculum. 

  • welcome parental input and respond to questions or concerns as quickly as possible. 

  • allow pupils safe and secure use of the internet through a combination of site filtering, supervision and by fostering a responsible attitude in all pupils, in partnership with parents to implement a whole-school approach to online safety. 

  • promote good attendance and punctuality. 



Ms N Williams (Headteacher)


As a parent/carer who has selected Coombe Wood School for my child's education, I undertake to: 

Support and nurture the school’s core values of;


Enhance the learning and achievement of my child by: 

  • reading all the academic monitoring information and looking at the quality of work done by my child, discussing it with my child, and setting key action steps for how progress can be made; 
  • being a critical friend with my child's homework and during exam preparation, providing help and guidance when appropriate; child's learning where possible; 
  • create a conducive learning environment at home, free from distractions, to support my child's education.
  • attending parents’/carers’ evenings and other requested meetings and acting on the guidance that is given by staff; 

Contribute to the maintenance of a happy and safe school by: 

  • promoting safe travel to and from school with my child and if dropping off/picking up by car, parking legally and considerately at all times; 
  • considering and ensuring the safety and wellbeing of my child at all times; 
  • reinforcing praise that is given at school, in the home; 
  • adhering  to school policies and procedures;
  • maintaining a respectful and cooperative attitude towards teachers, administrators, and other parents, fostering a positive school community.
  • supporting the school when sanctions are delivered and engaging with my child to ensure they alter their behaviour; 
  • assisting my child in becoming a self-manager, helping them organise their homework and equipment so that they are prepared every day; 
  • reading, understanding and interacting regularly with all relevant aspects of the student diary; 
  • not taking term time holidays and only requesting authorised absence for situations such as funerals or direct family weddings. (Authorised absences remain at the discretion of the Headteacher under the guidance of the Educational Welfare Officer at all times); 
  • supporting my child in aiming for 100% attendance in all lessons and registration, supporting them in overcoming challenges to their attendance such as transport disruption, minor illness, fasting etc.; 
  • ensuring my child is in school on time, unless there are extenuating circumstances; 
  • ensuring that, if there are extenuating circumstances leading to absence, either a request is made via the school office should the absence be pre-planned, or reporting the absence to the school office by phone before 8.00am (on 0208 289 4745); 
  • explaining to our child that the following are prohibited on school trips and why this is so: 
  • the purchase, carrying or use of: 
    • weapons of any kind including ‘flick combs’, pen knives of any sort; 
    • fireworks, explosives or firecrackers; 
    • ball bearing guns; 
    • illegal substances, including alcohol and any drug (unless prescribed to you);
    • laser pens; 
    • procuring body/ear piercings of any kind; 
    • procuring tattoos of any kind including temporary or ‘transfer’ types; 
    • any activity that is illegal in the UK, specifically for somebody of their age;  
    • any activity contrary to the laws of the country they are visiting; 
    • unauthorised outdoor pursuits e.g. kayaking, abseiling etc., that is to say, any activity not authorised by the school/the school’s trip organisers; 
    • sexual activity of any kind; 
    • theft, including shoplifting; 
    • acts of vandalism, including graffiti; 
  • unaccompanied visits, including unaccompanied transportation of any kind; 
  • any activity or lack of activity that would endanger the health and safety of any persons, including yourself; 
  • any activity that involves the breaking of any school rules, including host schools if being visited; 
  • unauthorised medical treatment/cosmetic surgery; 

Enhance the social, moral, spiritual, cultural, physical and mental development of my son/daughter by: 

  • encouraging and supporting my son/daughter to participate in extra-curricular clubs, societies and competitions; 
  • supporting at all times the implementation of their personal Health Related Fitness programme. 

I give permission for: 

  • my child to receive lessons which will cover the following topics: Religious Studies, Collective Worship, Sex Education and other social issues the school discusses as a result of its published policies; 

  • my child to receive pastoral support (internal and external) to improve their happiness/ safety/ behaviour/academic progress and/or wellbeing 

(Should you have concerns about any of these issues or wish to deny permission, please contact the school.) 

I have read and understood the Home-School Agreement. I agree to fully support its contents along with the contents of all related school policies. 

  • accept the school’s aims, values, policies and procedures to positively support the school. 

  • ensure that my child attends school punctually during term time, unless there is a good reason for absence. 

  • notify the school by letter or telephone in the event of absence. 

  • support the school’s policies and guidelines on learning, behaviour, attendance and uniform. 

  • support my child with homework that is set and ensure that this is completed on time according to school arrangements. 

  • promptly inform the school of any concerns or problems that may affect my child’s learning, behaviour or happiness at school. 

  • stay informed and up-to-date with the school community by regularly reading notices, newsletters, the school website and emails 

  • support the school in the teaching of safe and secure internet use at home. 

  • attend parent meetings with teachers to discuss my child’s achievements and progress. 

  • inform the school immediately of any changes to my emergency contacts details.


As a student who has chosen Coombe Wood School for my education, I undertake to: 

Embody our core values of;


Keep learning and achievement as my core business by always striving to: 

  • be engaged in and outside my lessons, having passion and enthusiasm for what I am learning and always listen actively; 

  • be resilient and thorough in my use of feedback and always seek to make time for reflection to make as much progress as I can to reach my personal best; o seek out new challenges, balancing ambition and determination with an acceptance that it is good to ask for help if I need it; 

  • forge warm and considerate relationships based on integrity, respect, tolerance and friendship; 

  • always strive to go beyond the curriculum, seeking to deepen my thinking through curiosity, creativity and risk taking; 

  • be responsible for the proper care and maintenance of all school-issued equipment, including laptops, tablets, textbooks, and other learning materials.;

  • handle stationery items with care, ensuring they are kept organised and in good condition to facilitate effective learning.

Contribute to a happy and safe school by: 

  • acting as a role model for all members of our community; 
  • always aiming for 100% attendance in 100% of lessons and form times, striving to overcome challenges such as transport disruption, minor ill health, fasting etc; always striving for 100% punctuality; 
  • wearing our school uniform in accordance with school expectations; 
  • taking full responsibility for my actions and accepting/fulfilling sanctions should I not embody our core values; 
  • using my skills as a self-manager to always bring to school; 
  • the correct homework which is completed in a timely manner, to the best of my ability, and produced independently (where appropriate); 
  • the correct equipment, books and sports kit; 
  • my student diary; 
  • caring for the environment both in and outside of school; 
  • ensuring I use new technologies responsibly, not obtaining, producing or using content which is defamatory, illegal or potentially offensive to others; 
  • letting somebody, preferably a member of staff I trust, know if I, or others I know of, do not feel safe, happy or if my/their wellbeing is under threat; 
  • always striving to engage in extra-curricular clubs, societies and competitions;
  • always putting my safety and well-being first, and understanding that the school has a zero tolerance policy relating to illegal drugs and legal highs. 
  • engaging fully in my personal HRF journey at all times; 
  • respecting our local community and neighbours at all times through behaving in a calm, safe, polite and respectful manner as I travel to and from school. 
  • work hard and listen carefully to instructions. 
  • attend school in the correct uniform. 
  • attend school regularly and on time. 
  • follow the school and class rules. 
  • behave in line with the school's Behaviour Policy at all times to maintain the safety of myself and others. 
  • be polite, friendly and helpful to other pupils and adults. 
  • tell a member of staff if there is something I am not happy about. 
  • do my homework regularly and return it to school on time. 
  • bring all the equipment I need to school. 

Student Acceptable Usage Agreement 

These rules will keep everyone safe and help us to be fair to others. 


  1. I will only use the school’s computers for appropriate school activities and learning, and am aware that CWS can monitor my internet use. 

  2. I will use the Internet responsibly and will not visit websites that are inappropriate for the school or my key stage. 

  3. I will not bring files into school that can harm the school network or be used to circumvent CWS security tools. 

  4. I will be careful when opening files and attachments, checking for viruses etc. If I am unsure, I will never open a file. 

  5. Images or videos of students and staff taken, stored and used in line with school policy, should not be distributed outside the school without the permission of the Designated e-Safety Lead. 

  6. I will not use any device to capture and/or store images or videos of students and staff unless with the permission of a member of staff for educational purposes. 


  1. I will only email or contact people I know, or those approved as part of learning activities. 
  2. I will not give my personal information that could be used to identify me, my family or my friends on any online space, unless a trusted adult has given permission or reviewed the site. 
  3. I will never arrange to meet someone I have only ever previously met on the Internet or by email or in a chat room, unless I take a trusted adult with me. 
  4. If I see anything I am unhappy with, or I receive a message that makes me feel uncomfortable, I will not respond to it, but I will save it and talk to a trusted adult. 


  1. I will keep my logins, IDs and passwords secret and change my password when requested to do so. 
  2. I will not attempt to infiltrate the school’s network or internet system. 
  3. I will respect the privacy and ownership of other people’s work. 
  4. I will only edit or delete my own files and not view, or change, other people’s files or user areas without their permission. 
  5. The messages I send, or information I upload, will always be polite and sensible. I understand that all the messages I send reflect on me and the school. 
  6. I am aware that some websites, games and social networks have age restrictions and I should respect this. 
  7. I am aware that my online activity at all times should not upset or hurt other people and that I should not put myself at risk. 
  8. I will not deliberately upload images, text, audio, video or any content which may cause offence to members of the school community. 
  9. My online activity both within and outside school premises will not cause distress to my school, staff or students. 

I understand these rules are designed to keep me safe. If any students at CWS violate this policy, access to the network, Internet and email may be denied. Where a student uses a login that belongs to someone else - or intentionally accesses a part of the school system, software or data, which is not allowed for them, there may be very serious repercussions that could include the Police. If you ever become aware of other students having unauthorised access to the school’s computer systems, data, software or other material, you should report this to a member of school staff immediately. You do not have to bring a mobile phone to school, but if you choose to do so, it must be used in accordance with the rules in the Year 7 induction pack and the rules in your student diary. These are all ‘common sense’ rules to enable phones to be used for safety and educational purposes, but not to become a distraction to our core values. 

You should be aware that all the following actions are criminal offences under the law: 

  • Gaining access to computer programmes, school data, apps or school systems without permission to do so; 
  • Gaining access to a computer system without permission, with a plan to commit a crime; 
  • Changing something on a computer system, app or school computer, which you do not have permission to do.