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Coombe Wood School


How is numeracy enjoyed and promoted at Coombe Wood School?


We want all pupils to view mathematics as something they should be curious about, its significance and that it is really fun! All pupils need to learn, develop and be confident with numeracy skills; it will serve them well throughout their schooling, day-to-day life and future aspirations.

To help our pupils, we run a tri-weekly session used to identify, in an engaging manner, the gaps in pupils’ basic numeracy. Pupils complete a 5 minute (Numeracy Ninjas) skills check which includes: 10 questions on mental strategies, 10 questions on timestables and 10 questions on key skills. With regular practice and motivation, these sessions encourage pupils to become more fluent in their numeracy skills over time, enabling them to better access GCSE Maths topics as they move towards Key Stage 4.


We also promote Timestable Rockstars for those pupils who require deliberate practice. In addition, at the beginning of most maths lessons, all pupils participate in regular retrieval using 'Corbett 5-a-Day'. These 5 daily random questions check whether pupils can recall previous knowledge from memory.

Pupils are encouraged to reflect upon and improve on topics using verbal feedback, their written feedback sheets and end of unit topic tests. The Maths department use online platforms to engage, set homework and direct revision. For some occasions, worksheets will also be made available for pupils to take home.

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