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Coombe Wood School


How is Literacy Promoted at Coombe Wood School?

At Coombe Wood School, promoting literacy is a top priority. Our staff are dedicated to ensuring that students are well-prepared for future challenges. We promote literacy through several key initiatives:

  • High-Frequency Words: Each half-term, we compile a list of high-frequency words for each subject and share them with parents. Students use these lists to improve their comprehension and spelling, and to become more confident in class.

  • Personalised Reading Lists: To encourage independent reading, students receive personalised reading lists tailored to their interests and reading levels.

  • Bedrock Vocabulary: We have invested in Bedrock Vocabulary, an innovative tool that helps students learn critical academic vocabulary. Parents can also log in to monitor their child’s progress and see what vocabulary they are learning.

  • Targeted Literacy Interventions: Throughout the year, we run targeted literacy intervention groups to support students who need extra help with spelling or other key literacy skills.

  • Tutor Time Guided Reading: Students take part in teacher-led guided reading sessions once a week, enhancing their comprehension, analytical skills, and vocabulary breadth.