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Coombe Wood School


Andy Vass

At Coombe Wood School our approach to behaviour management is firmly rooted in the forming and maintaining of positive relationships with our students. Everything we do here is with the intention of ensuring our students are giving themselves the best possible chance of success every day throughout their Coombe Wood journey.  

We have a values-led approach to our behaviour management and our core values are integral to the way we encourage, reward and influence our students to behave. At Coombe Wood we reflect and consider what it means to be successful, not just within the confines of our school but in everyday life and in the world beyond education for our young people. Our unwavering high expectations, relentless focus on positive working relationships, and our encouragement for reflection echoes our vision for our students here and instils the values, behaviours and habits that not just allow them to be successful students, but successful people. 

It is our belief that good behaviour improves every outcome. This is why we place strong emphasis  on teaching students the behaviours and habits that we believe will lead to successful outcomes.

‘This is how we are going to behave in order to be successful’ Tom Bennett, Creating a Culture.

The Coombe Wood Approach to classroom practice is to ensure ALL students know and feel 3 things:

  • That they matter to us - (High Expectations)
  • That we care about them - (Support and Compassion)
  • That we believe in them and want them to be successful - (Encouragement and Praise)

We use the language of consequence rather than sanction.

‘Punishment/sanction breeds resentment but consequences breed reflection.’

Appropriate consequences are an important part of instilling expectations in our students and upholding our rules and core values. It is consequences that help students reflect and improve their understanding of what is and is not in line with our values. We believe effective behaviour management includes having challenging, reflective and future focused conversations with students. Every decision that is made from a behaviour perspective has the intention to create, maintain and protect the very best learning environment possible for all of our students. 

The Pastoral team work from a Graduated Approach that has been carefully designed to ensure appropriate and effective support strategies and interventions are made available for students at all stages of the behaviour system.