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Coombe Wood School

In Year

In-Year Applications

To apply for an in-year place at Coombe Wood School, please first submit an application via Croydon Council Admissions.

Link to In-Year Admissions at Croydon Council

After completing your application with Croydon Council, it will take a few weeks for Coombe Wood School Admissions to process it. You will receive an email confirming that your child has been added to the waiting list.

Please avoid calling or emailing about your child's position on the waiting list. We will contact you if a place becomes available.

Due to our school's popularity, we always have long waiting lists. New applications are received from Croydon Council every Monday. If a new applicant lives closer to Coombe Wood, they may move ahead of you on the waiting list due to the distance criteria.


Waiting List Duration: 

  • The waiting list is held from the start of the new term in September until the end of term in July.
  • To be considered for the next academic year, re-apply from 1st August with Croydon Council Admissions.
  • New waiting lists will be processed in September. Places will not be offered during the summer holidays or within the first few weeks of the new September term.

If a place becomes available and your child reaches the top of the waiting list, we will contact you.

Moving School in Years 10 and 11 

For students in Years 10 and 11, it is usually not advisable to move schools once they have started their two-year GCSE courses. Changing schools can disrupt their education, as their current subjects and curriculum might not align with what is offered at the new school.

Popular options might be full, and your child might have to take subjects they are not interested in. The new school may follow a different curriculum or examination board, which can further complicate the transition. It is best to continue at the current school where teachers know the child and can support them through their GCSEs.

Moving School Due to a Dispute or Other Reason 

Before deciding to move your child to another school, consider if it is truly in their best interest. Many issues can be resolved by speaking with the child's Tutor, Head of Year, Safeguarding Lead, or School Education Welfare Officer.

There is no guarantee that your preferred school will offer a place. Do not remove your child from their current school before securing a place at a new school.

Parental Choice to Move Schools 

Parents who want to move their child often find that their child does not want to switch schools. These children may struggle to settle in and may become reluctant to attend school. Ensure your child is fully supportive of the move before applying for an in-year transfer.

In Year Starters 

The information detailed below is for parents/carers of new students who have been offered a place from the In-Year waiting list, have accepted  and will be joining Coombe Wood School within the academic year.

Please see below all the information you will require before you start.

You will be sent a login from Admissions+/Applica (The email address this will come from is - so you may need to check your junk/spam mail) You will then be required to fill in a 4 page registration form which will include signing and agreeing to the Home School Agreement.

Home School Agreement

Other information

For the first few days, please make sure your child has a packed lunch to enable ParentPay/Free school meals to be processed.

School Uniform of blazer, tie etc should be worn on the first day as a photograph will be taken. We try to provide a timetable prior to starting, so if your child has HRF/sports or drama on that first day could they bring their kit in to change into.


Student Absence 

CWS Map of the school 

Mobile Phone Policy 

ParentPay and the Cashless Catering System 

Parental Voluntary Contributions

For all other information concerning Coombe Wood School, please look within our other website pages.