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Coombe Wood School

Headteacher’s Welcome


Welcome to Coombe Wood School – it is a privilege to be the Headteacher of such a wonderful school community.

Though Coombe Wood School is still in its early years, we are fortunate to have already established a rich tradition that provides a strong and secure platform for success. Our school is built on three core themes: ambition, community, and culture.

Ambition drives everything we do. Outstanding teaching and learning are at the heart of our school. Our collaborative approach towards pastoral and curriculum leadership ensures the best possible attainment for our students. Our talented staff are ambitious for our students and committed to improving the quality of their work to ensure everyone reaches their full potential.

Community is the cornerstone of our success. Our students are truly exceptional. Every day, I am impressed by their dedication, enthusiasm, humour, and pride in their school community. Students thrive at Coombe Wood School because they are happy and safe in our nurturing environment, all supported by high-quality pastoral care. The health and happiness of our students are a priority, grounded in our commitment to Health Related Fitness.

Culture shapes our identity and values. We believe that physical activity is fundamental to the development of the whole child, enhancing their confidence, resilience, and well-being. This focus on health does not mean that academic success is left to chance. Students enjoy first-rate teaching in a superb learning environment on our modern site. Our curriculum is broad and ambitious, and coupled with our wider curriculum, we provide all the ingredients for an exceptional education. This ensures our students develop into caring, healthy, confident, and well-rounded adults, equipped with the skills and qualifications needed for the next phase of their lives.

I hope you find the information on our website useful and that it gives you a good sense of our school, its remarkable students and staff, as well as its achievements, values, and ambitions. However, the best way to experience what Coombe Wood School has to offer is to visit us.

We look forward to the opportunity of welcoming you in person. In the meantime, please feel free to contact either myself or the school office with any questions.